Three Legal Considerations When Starting A Fish And Chips Business

If you're thinking of starting a fish and chips business in your area, you've got some groundwork to cover to ensure that you remain within the purview of the law. While the business has the potential to be highly lucrative if you get it right, err on the side of caution and cover these legal aspects with a professional before you start your fish and chips business.

Begin By Setting Up And Registering Your Business

Once you set up your business, you will need to register it with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). If you expect your annual turnover to be over $75,000, you will need to register for goods and services (GST) tax. Many start-ups here choose to register for GST after running their operations for a few years.

You will also need to register for an Australian Business Number (ABN), which is a nine-digit tax number for filing your returns. You will also get an Australian Company Number (ACN) when you register your company with ASIC. You may likely also need a business licence from your local council. A professional lawyer can help you through this process smoothly.

Make Sure Your Fish And Chips Business Complies With Health Requirements

Your fish and chips business must comply with all health, food and safety requirements, or your licence can get taken away from you. The Food Safety Authority Australia And New Zealand will provide you with a Food Standards Code. You are also expected to maintain clean and safe premises for your employees and customers. So you will need to follow good hygiene procedures and food handling conditions, or you risk hefty fines for flouting the law. As a food business, you will be required to have hand-washing amenities conveniently located for employees and guests.

Comply With National Minimum Wage Requirements

While you probably want to keep your costs low in the first year, you may need help at certain times. You don't have to employ people on a full-time basis, but you can consider them on a casual and part-time basis. Don't make the mistake of offering your employees lower than the national minimum wage because you could end up on the wrong side of the law and will end up with penalties of up to $54,000. In Australia, the national minimum wage is $17.70 per hour.

Starting a fish and chips business is a good way for you to become independent, but you must consider these legal factors before you begin. The complexities of legalities can be overwhelming, so it makes sense to rely on the professionals.
